City of Kansas City, Missouri Resident Survey
As the City of Kansas City strives to make our community the best place possible to live, work, and play for all of our residents, we are always seeking residents’ perspectives to help Kansas City government make the best decisions for our community.
We hope you’ll share your thoughts about the quality of City services you receive and more about your priorities for the City. Each year, we survey residents to gather this information to aid us in continuing to build Kansas City in all neighborhoods.
We contract with ETC Institute to administer this survey – they are a national leader in resident survey administration and data analysis whose extensive experience allows Kansas City to compare ourselves to other large U.S. cities and metropolitan communities. Any information that could be used to identify individual survey responses will remain confidential.
A summary report of survey results will be published and made available to the public. We use these survey results to evaluate and continually improve the services that we provide. If you would like to learn more about the survey or the use of the results, please visit:
Thank you for providing us with your feedback. If you have any questions, please call the City Manager’s Office at (816) 513-1408 or email us at